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First Grade Goals

First Grade Goals

The first grade music curriculum will review and develop all skills and concepts studied in kindergarten as well as the following:

I. Rhythm

  1. The students will demonstrate steady beat with their bodies and classroom instruments in a variety of songs. 
  2. The students will recognize symbols that represent beat and rhythmic patterns in a variety of exercises and songs. 
  3. The students will recognize and notate whole, quarter, and beamed eighth notes in the music being studied. 
  4. The students will aurally recognize recurring patterns in familiar songs. 
  5. The students will aurally recognize long and short sounds and pitches in a variety of songs. 

II. Melody

  1. The students will aurally recognize ascending and descending melodies in a variety of songs. 
  2. The students will improvise ascending and descending melodies with their voices and with classroom instruments. 
  3. The students will create musical sounds to accompany a variety of stories. 


III. Applied

  1. The students will continue to develop correct singing techniques including posture and breathing. 
  2. The students will continue to develop singing using the correct head voice in a variety of songs. 
  3. The students will sing in tune a variety of songs in a variety of keys. 
  4. The students will continue to develop audiation (inner hearing) and demonstrate it through a variety of songs and exercises. 
  5. The students will correctly play all classroom instruments. 
  6. The students will perform solfege Curwen hand signs do, mi, so, and do' in a variety of melodic exercises and songs. 


IV. Texture

  1. The students will aurally recognize the difference between melody alone and melody with accompaniment in a variety of exercises and songs. 


V. Style

  1. The students will aurally recognize familiar songs of different cultures including, but not limited to Africa, Asia, Mexico, and the United States. 


VI.            Form

  1. The students will aurally and visually recognize same and different sections in familiar pieces of music. 


VI.            Expression

  1. The students will aurally recognize the differences in mood of various contrasting familiar pieces of music. 


VIII. Harmony

  1. The students will sing in major, minor, and pentatonic tonalities in a variety of songs. 
  2. The student will develop skill in playing simple accompaniment patterns while simple melodies are sung.