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Kindergarten Goals

Kindergarten Goals


  1. The students will develop skill in reproducing steady beat in a variety of songs and rhythmic exercises. 
  2. The students will reproduce long and short sounds and pitches in a variety of rhythmic exercises and songs. 
  3. The students will compose short rhythmic patterns that represent long and short sounds. 
  4. The students will echo short simple rhythmic patterns in a variety of exercises. 
  5. The students will recognize iconic representations of simple rhythmic patterns, which include stick notation for quarter and beamed eighth notes, and quarter rests in a variety of songs and rhythmic exercises. 
  6. The students will recognize likenesses and differences in simple rhythmic patterns in a variety of exercises and songs, and will demonstrate these through movement, answering questions about, and describing aural examples. 
  7. The students will distinguish between fast and slow tempos in a variety of songs. 
  8. The students will distinguish between tempos that are getting faster or slower in a variety of songs. 


  1. The students will distinguish between high and low nontraditional sounds available in a variety of environments including, but not limited to the classroom, the city, the farm, the body, and electronics. 
  2. The students will distinguish between high and low pitches in a variety of melodic exercises and songs. 
  3. The students will reproduce long and short sounds and pitches in a variety of melodic exercises and songs. 
  4. The students will recognize iconic representations of simple melodic patterns by using simple dot and line notation with solfege syllables in a variety or melodic exercises and songs. 
  5. The students will recognize likenesses and differences in simple melodic patterns and will demonstrate these by answering questions about and describing aural examples in a variety of songs. 
  6. The students will improvise vocally short song fragments in answer to simple musical questions. 


  1. The students will develop correct singing techniques including correct posture and breathing. 
  2. The students will develop their singing skills using their correct head voices in a variety of songs. 
  3. The students will develop the ability to sing in tune a variety of songs in a variety of keys. 
  4. The students will develop a sense of audiation (inner hearing) and demonstrate it through a variety of exercises. 
  5. The students will correctly perform solfege Curwen hand signs so and mi in a variety of melodic songs and exercises. 
  6. The students will correctly play all classroom rhythm instruments. 
  7. The students will sing from memory repetitive, narrow-range, linguistically simple songs representing genres and styles from diverse cultures. 
  8. The students will develop skill in singing repetitive, narrow-range, rhythmically simple songs. 



  1. The students will demonstrate an aural understanding of the difference between a sound that occurs alone, and sounds that occur simultaneously. 
  2. The students will recognize the presence or absence of sound through a variety of exercises. 


  1. The students will use simple folk songs and dances/games to relate music to geography.



  1. The students will demonstrate an aural understanding of beginnings and endings of musical compositions. 



  1. The students will distinguish between loud and soft dynamics in a variety of songs. 


  1. The students will sing a variety of songs in major and pentatonic tonalities. 


  1. The students will recognize the differences in tone colors of voices and classroom instruments in a variety of songs and exercises. 
  2. The students will recognize the differences between familiar lullabies and marches.