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Terminal Goals

Terminal Goals

The following objectives represent the music concepts and skills that Rhea students will know upon entering third grade.

Students will:

  1. be able to perform steady beat to a variety of songs in a variety of tempos.
  2. be able to discern if a song is in duple or triple meter.
  3. be able to discern between the melodic rhythm and the beat of a variety of songs.
  4. be able to identify and notate quarter, half, whole, and beamed eight notes.
  5. be able to identify quarter, half, and whole rests.
  6. be able to identify and notate songs in 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 meters.
  7. be able to identify and notate the treble clef, staff, and notes from middle c to f5.
  8. be able to sing in tune.
  9. be able to perform the solfege Curwen hand signs do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, and do ' .
  10. be able to distinguish between male, female, and child's voices.
  11. be able to distinguish between the four instrument families both visually and aurally.
  12. be able to identify simple AB patterns in a variety of songs.
  13. be able to identify and articulate a variety of musical expressions including loud/soft, long/short sounds, and legato/staccato.
  14. be able to sing in a variety of keys and tonalities including major, minor, and pentatonic.
  15. be able to correctly play all classroom pitched and non-pitched percussion instruments.
  16. begin to develop a value of a diverse selection of music including, but not limited to, patriotic, folk, classical, ethnic, jazz, and popular.